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Cub Reporter

MS Access Report Add-On - Cub Reporter

Cub Reporter is a set of Microsoft® Access® objects that you can add into your application to expand the capabilities of your Access reports. It takes field names from your report detail section, values from your report's underlying table or query, and uses them in combo and list boxes on flexible criteria and sorting/grouping forms. Using these forms, you can dynamically change your report criteria, sorting, and grouping options so that you don't need multiple copies of the same basic report to fit each report variation. You create the basic report layout, and Cub Reporter does the rest!

Cub Reporter eases report maintenance because layout, criteria, and sorting changes only need to be made in one place. Users also have the ability to easily create and save their own criteria, and sorting options, which will free you up for other tasks. Once saved, the criteria and sort is available to all Cub Reporter-enhanced reports.

It's simple to implement - Just import the Cub Reporter objects into your database, and add one line of code to your report OnOpen event procedure! Then, when you open your report, you'll be able to dynamically set your report criteria and sorting options via the provided Criteria and Sort forms.

Now supports Access 2010!


Download (872kb) - Cub Reporter Trial for Access 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 and 2000

Download (796kb) - Cub Reporter Trial for Access 97


Double-click on the downloaded zip file to open it, then double-click on the setup.exe file inside and follow the instructions on the screen to install this application on your computer.

See the included readme.txt file or help file for further instructions on application usage.

Technical Support

For Cub Reporter technical support, please see the Cub Reporter FAQ page, or send an e-mail message to:


Cub Reporter Pricing
Cub Reporter for Access 2000, 2002/XP and 2003
Click to Order
  • 1-5 Licenses
  • Cub Reporter for Access 97
  • 1-5 Licenses
  • Cub Reporter for Microsoft Access (all versions)
  • Unlimited, Royalty-Free Distribution License w/Src
  • Licensing Information
    Cub Reporter is licensed on a per-application basis. Each application you develop that incorporates Cub Reporter requires a license. Please see the license.txt file that comes with the shareware and registered versions for more information.


    Prices are subject to change without notice.


    Cub Reporter FAQ




    What they are saying

    "These guys love the Reporting solution I implemented utilizing your Cub Reporter and Cub Editor products!"
    - Ken Lizotte