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Force Shut Down

Force Shut Down is an example database that shows how to get multiple Microsoft® Access® application front-ends on a network to automatically close. With Force Shut Down, you simply create a file in the back-end folder, then each application front-end detects this file, displays a warning message to users, then automatically shuts down within 2 minutes. Delete the file, and users can open the application again. It's a great way to make sure that your database back-end is available for maintenance activities such as back-end update, backup, or compact and repair.

With Force Shut Down you can:

  • Easily close all Access application front-ends on a network.
  • Save time by not having to visit each computer on the network to make sure the application is closed.
  • Give users a warning that they should save their data prior to shut down.
  • Close applications with active pop-up forms, and forms that require user input.

See a screenshot.


Download (199kb) - For Access 2000 and later

v2.0 - Uses existence of file in back-end folder as trigger to shut front-ends down.

v1.2 - Automatic closing of reports and forms at shut down time.

v1.1 - Bug that caused force shut down global variable to not get set was fixed.

v1.0 - This version is entirely new.


Double-click on the downloaded zip file to open it, then double-click on the readme.txt file inside and follow the instructions contained within to install this application on your computer.

See the included readme.txt file or help file for further instructions on application usage.

Technical Support

For technical support for this application, please send an e-mail message to:








You can use Inactive Shut Down Control to automatically close an application after a specified period of user inactivity.

You can use Application Starter to make it easier to distribute application front-end updates to your users.