"Pedro" De Baets
2010 Libertarian Candidate for California State Board of Equalization, District 4
(Los Angeles County)
"It is by applying the concepts of Freedom and Individual Liberty
that we can arrive at solutions to the problems facing our state. Government
bureaucracies will never be a match for the innovation and inspiration
that flow from a free society." - Peter "Pedro" De Baets
Welcome to the campaign web site for Peter "Pedro" De Baets!
Here you can find out more about Peter, his vision
for California, his stand on the issues,
his progress in the campaign, and you can find out how a statesman that
puts Freedom
and Individual Liberty FIRST can help make your life better.
Post-election 2010 Notes
I didn't win, but it was my highest vote percentage yet in my 4th bid for office.
I'd like to use this space to say thank you to all my supporters and all those who voted for me. You struck a blow for liberty, sane government, and just plain common sense. I am heartened that more and more people are looking critically at what politicians and bureaucrats are doing, how they are knowingly or unknowingly tearing down our free society, and how taxation feeds that system. Remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint, and we'll have other opportunites in the future to push back the overgrown, overburdening, oppressive State, and restore the freedom and individual liberty that we richly deserve.
Election Day 2010
I will side with you and not with the State on every single appeal that comes before the tax board. No exceptions.
I want to see less tax dollars going to the State and more tax dollars staying in your pocket where they belong. I don't like what the politicians and bureaucrats are doing with your tax dollars. I want to stop them by turning off the flow of tax dollars to them. Also, it is just plain immoral to tax. It is theft by another name. We somehow accept it because we think the government is doing some good somewhere, but good or bad the politicians and bureaucrats simply have no right to your hard earned dollars.
On close inspection of these political and bureaucratic do-gooders it is plain to see that tax dollars are wasted, government programs are failures, and corruption is rampant. Feeding this heinous system is morally and ethically repugnant to me.
Taxes harm our free society. Taking working capital out of our economy and putting in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats directs money and resources away from efficient uses towards the politically expedient need of the day. Instead of that money working on the next iPad product to make your life easier, it goes towards influencing a particular demographic in order to help Joe Incumbent get re-elected. How does that help our free society again? It doesn't
It is your money. You worked hard and spent time away from family and friends in order to earn it. You should keep it.
As member of the State Board of Equalization, I will do everything in my power to reduce or eliminate taxes. When any individual or business comes to the board to appeal a taxation case I will side with the individual or business EVERY SINGLE TIME. No exceptions. Tax "equalization" procedures need review and audit to ensure that they don't erroneously overtax. If elected I promise to expose and fix any procedures I discover that erroneously overtax, but I will ignore any that undertax.
We need to cut spending, which is completely out of control in our state - primarily in the areas of health, education and government employee pensions. But this doesn't mean sending the sick, the young, and the retired out in the streets. Our free society offers many (and much less expensive) alternatives to the government strangleholds in these areas. Consumer choice and letting doctors and patients decide important issues is the key to cutting health care costs, eliminating the education bureaucracy above school principal will allow schools to get more with less, and public employee pensions need to be converted to defined contribution 401k's like private employers offer.
I hope that reducing taxes will force the state to make the tough decisions that I've outlined above sooner rather than later.
If you agree, then I hope you'll VOTE FOR PEDRO!
Peter "Pedro" De Baets
11700 National Blvd. #L129
Los Angeles, CA 90094

the campaign