Peter's Software
Helping you create better Microsoft Access database applications


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Important Announcement!

5/21/2015 - Coming Soon! An important message from Peter that you won't want to miss. It's about a breakthrough way to uplift your Access applications to the web. Please SEND AN EMAIL TO US to get on the list to receive this announcement before everyone else does.

Halp for Microsoft Access

Integrated Help Authoring and Display Tool
Halp for Microsoft Access provides an easy way for developers to create context-sensitive help content by pressing Ctrl-F1 from any form. Users see help content as pop-up tool tips or on a help form when F1 is pressed.

Microsoft Access Tools Available for Download:

Copy protection for your Access application. Require users to enter a computer-specific unlock code, or you can even implement a shareware-style trial period based on days, uses, or table rows inserted. NEW IN VERSION 4: Backdate protection! Access 64-bit support patch now available!

Rescale your Microsoft Access forms, fonts, and controls to fit any screen resolution. NEW IN VERSION 11: Access 2013 Support - 32-bit and 64-bit!

Multi-purpose record and value selection form - incorporate it into your Microsoft Access application to handle all of your selection needs. NEW IN VERSION 4: Customizing options, Access 2013 and 2010 support.

An integrated help authoring and display tool for Microsoft Access applications. Makes it easy to create help content without an external program. Includes rich text formatting in Access 2007 / 2010 / 2013!

Merge Microsoft Access data and letter templates without the use of an external word processor. Makes it easy for end users to maintain their own letter text. NEW IN VERSION 2: Rich text formatting in Access 2007 / 2010!

Drag and drop data between Microsoft Access text controls, or re-order list box items with this add-in. NEW IN VERSION 5: Continuous form support!

Quickly generate a form for add/change/delete/search based only on table or query definition. NEW IN VERSION 1.1: Access 2010 Support - 32-bit and 64-bit!

Navigation Pane Relief - Version 2.0 is here!
A colorful alternative to the Microsoft Access Navigation Pane (and the Database Window). Features flexible layout, easy organization of objects, and double-click access to VBA procedures. NEW IN VERSION 2: 'Copy & Design' action on double-click.

LASsie - Version 5 is here!
Light Application Security for Microsoft Access - Add simplified form, report, control, and record level security to your Microsoft Access application with this add-on. NEW IN VERSION 5: Access 2010 Support - 32-bit and 64-bit!

Center controls on Access forms at any screen resolution or form window size.

Button Painter
Add smooth gradient colors to your command buttons and allow for button color changes in response to mouse movement and mouse clicks with this Microsoft Access add-in.

Cub Editor
Easily create and modify report layouts with this intuitive Microsoft Access report wizard. NEW IN VERSION 2: "Quick Report" feature generates a report with 3 mouse clicks!

A Better Switchboard
Incorporate the next generation of switchboards into your application! These switchboards have web-page-like menus with rollover effects, expanding list/treeview-style menus, and additional functionality.

Moe (Mouse Over Effects)
Enhance your Microsoft Access forms with intuitive rollover-type effects that react to the presence of the mouse cursor.

Cub Reporter
Expand the capabilities of your Microsoft Access reports by adding dynamic, reusable criteria, and sorting parameters. NEW IN VERSION 2: Many criteria form enhancements!

Business and Corporate Office Suites
Our entire collection of Microsoft Access Tools for Developers is available to you for one price.

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We'll let you know about new products and downloads when they become available (We will not release your personal information to any third party).

Free Downloads:

Multi-Location Mapper
Map multiple locations as colored marker pin points on a full-featured Google Map.

Application Starter
Automatically checks for and downloads an updated version of the application front-end from network server prior to opening it on the end-user's computer.

TableLinker Lite
Simplified linked table management for your Access database.

Convert addresses in your database to latitude and longitude values using the Google Geocoding API (V3) and an internet connection (a precursor to the use of the Google Maps API).

Force Shut Down
Automatically close all copies of your networked application front-end from one workstation.

Inactive Shut Down Control
A Microsoft Access form that gives you the ability to automatically shut down your Microsoft Access application after a specified period of user inactivity.

Automatically late bind controls on non-visible tab control pages, resulting in faster form loading.

Form Validate Class
An example class that attaches to your Microsoft Access forms to provide automatically triggered form and control validation.

Back End Updater
VBA examples showing how to update a back-end database from the application front-end.

Manage linked tables from multiple databases, ODBC sources, or any combination of the two. Easily refresh table links or connect to tables in a different data environment.

Label Saver
Print labels starting at any label position on the page, and print multiple copies of each label.

Backup, Repair and Compact a List
An example database that allows you to backup, repair, and compact a saved list of Microsoft Access database files.

Application Beginnings
Example Microsoft Access databases showing some recommended beginning steps in the application development process.

Proximity Functions
An example Microsoft Access database that shows how to add professional functionality to your application without programming. File open/save dialogs, folder browse dialogs, date and color pickers, and more.

Let your users set their own form color schemes.

Custom Time Functions
Perform mathematical operations on custom time values that include fractions of a second.

Back Color Gradient
Enhance your Microsoft Access forms with attractive and interesting detail section back color gradient effects.

Window Manipulation Examples
Examples of how to maximize, restore, size, hide, cascade, and animate (and more!) the main Microsoft Access window as well as your active form window.

Access String Functions
A set of string manipulation functions for Microsoft Access.

Table Record Maintenance
Update one table from another. The included utility subroutine makes table (or query) record updates easy.

Colored Button Examples
Enhanced command button controls that you can copy and paste into your Microsoft Access application.

Free Code Samples:

Sortable Listbox Example
Create a command button to sort listbox contents.

Send an E-Mail Message from Microsoft Access
An Microsoft Access method and a subroutine that make sending e-mail easy.

Open Form or Report Using Button Caption
This function makes it simple to open a form or report from a command button.

Get Screen Resolution
This function will find your desktop screen resolution


Corruption Notes
You may be able to fix a corrupted database all by yourself.

How To Fix Mysterious Errors
Follow this check list to resolve intractable Access database errors.

Reduce Your Microsoft Access Database to its Smallest Possible Size
Go beyond compacting and find out how to minimize code database size and maximize efficiency.

Use Windows System Colors For Your Forms
Find out how to get your application color scheme to match the Windows scheme.



A function that returns company name.


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12/6/14 - Multi-Location Mapper fix version 1.4 released.

10/20/14 - Corruption Notes page added to site.

10/1/14 - Application Starter fix version 4.4 released.

6/11/14 - Application Starter v4.3 released. Includes support for password protected back-ends.

6/5/14 - TableLinker Lite v2.1 released. Supports front-ends linked to multiple backends.

6/2/14 - TableLinker Lite v2.0 released. Now supports password-protected backends.

4/28/14 - Geocoder fix version 1.4 released.

4/20/14 - Force Shut Down v2.0 released. Now it is easier than ever to kick all your users off the application.

4/3/14 - TableLinker Lite launched! Create a list of backend locations to find in sequence. Automatically link to all tables in first-found backend.

4/3/14 - Multi-Location Mapper fix version 1.3 released.

3/30/14 - Multi-Location Mapper fix version 1.2 released.

3/28/14 - Geocoder fix version 1.3 released.

2/28/14 - Multi-Location Mapper fix version 1.1 released.

1/26/14 - Geocoder v1.2 version released. Includes "wait" function to better comply with Google geocode request rate limit.

1/21/14 - Introducing Multi-Location Mapper v1.0 for Microsoft Access. Map multiple points on a full-featured Google Map.

1/9/14 - KeyedAccess 64-bit Support Patch now available.



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